As one born in the United States (specifically a small city
in southern Ohio), the influence of various rich traditions,
and being someone who is fairly open-minded and respectful of the vast diversity that
is all around me in the world, I have grown to find objectionable the notion of
exceptional-ism as it is conventionally attached to the United States. Much has
happened since Alexis de Tocquevill (Democracy
in America, 1840) first attached this term to describe the America he witnessed.
Much has changed since Whitman’s Democratic
Vistas, which read, “Other lands have their vitality in a few, a class, but
we have it in the bulk of our people.”

Marx warned about capitalism at its worst and unchecked. The
higher return on capital means that the share of profits rises and the share of
wages falls, and soon the mass of the population is not earning enough to buy
the goods capitalism produces. And that’s exactly what’s been happening over
the past years: ever increasing income inequality, leading to ever weaker
aggregate demand – temporarily disguised by an unsustainable credit binge –
leading to collapse. You don’t have to be a communist to see that this is so.
We should all be Marxists today.
Of course, the argumentum
ad ignorantiam is the “belief” that American is exceptional because it’s
the “most powerful” nation on earth with reference to its military. I guess so,
when you spend 10 times more than the second highest spending nation, China. The
US is like the small king in the movie Shrek
with the super-sized castle, “over-compensating for something.” Since 9/11/2001
it has been apparent that the US is exceptional in its anxiety. Of course, we
cannot see this. Case in point is the recent revelations about the NSA who have
steeped so low as to gain access to almost all digital communication of its own
citizens—that’s pretty desperate—outright neuroses. Will we ever come to terms
with the fact the world has always been dangerous. We must grow up.
One way to take back America is by one kind of purchasing
power at a time. Dump the corporation; realize advertisements are deceptive (typically
propping superficial motivations such as image and convenience)—at what price? A
good place to start is growing your own food and/or buying local. Another is
using alternative transportation, especially in urban/city trips. The U.S is
the least exceptional country when it comes to the percent of all urban trips
by type of transportation and probably one of the most exceptionally overweight
and unhealthy counties in the world.
Source: John Pulcher,
“Public Transportation”, in Susan Hanson and
Genevieve Giuliano, The
Geography of Urban Transportation, third
edition. (New York: The
Guilford Press, 2004). p.216. Data are from 1995
cover all trip purposes
Of course, it is more dangerous to ride a bicycle when our
communities are filled with cars that are lethal weapons. Turning the tide on
the decline of our democracy means taking control one purchase, one step, one
pedal at a time. It requires doing the harder thing, which in the long run is
the “better” thing. Walking verses driving means breathing “better”. Riding the
bus to work means “better” relaxation (e.g., time to read or to talk to
someone). Riding a bicycle means “better” time (think about it). Taking such bold
steps mean changing our practices so that we have more power over our lives and
the corporations less.
Tocqueville was right, “The health of a democratic society
may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens. . . The
greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation,
but rather in her ability to repair her faults.”